Be “A” Man, Not “The” Man.
The Building Men Program is all about teaching our young men the value of being “A” real man… not “the man”. What that means is that our boys grow up to be men of character, with values instilled in their lives that assure them a path to success, confidence, high moral character and the fortitude required to become a success in their homes, their communities, their professional lives and their relationships. We are proud of our growth over the last several years, and hope you’ll join us in making the Building Men Program a concrete cornerstone in the lives of our young men – both in Syracuse and across the nation.
Donate to the Building Men Program Today!
We rely on Community Supporters like you to keep this program going for our young men. Click below to donate today!

Our Mission
Our mission is to support young men of Syracuse in their journey towards becoming men of character by helping them develop their purpose and passion, instilling integrity in their leadership, and providing them with opportunities to build healthy relationships with others.
Building Men strongly believes that developing a fellowship of young males striving to become responsible men will increase their motivation, passion, and leadership and help create a positive impact upon the young men’s development.
Our activities will include:
- Inspiration from positive community role models
- Encouraging guidance and support from Building Men Staff
- Development of passion and purpose through afterschool program
- Provide opportunities for leadership and community service
- Rite of Passage trip and ceremony to initiate them in to a young man
Read our Statement of Support for Our Black and Brown Communities:
Our Vision
Our vision is that young men in Syracuse will see themselves as part of a larger fellowship of men who:
- Have excellent attendance in school and after-school programs;
- Graduate from high school and college and career education;
- Participate in community in some level; and
- Have the ability to make a significant impact upon society.
And their Parents will…
- Actively participate in the educational process of their children
At the Building Men Program we believe that each young man has the ability to use their passion and purpose for the betterment of our community. It’s our organization’s challenge to provide a positive environment where each young male can grow in their personal development and utilize their strengths in a leadership capacity to benefit the school and community.
In order to accomplish this vision, Building Men will:
- Foster relationships built on respect;
- Provide opportunities for continued personal growth; and
- Believe each male has what it takes to lead.